S Kennedy S Kennedy Certified Ganjier 06/14/2024 Nashville, TN n/a skennedyintheclouds@gmail.com Areas of interest N/A Robert Mayer Robert Mayer Certified Ganjier 06/14/2024 N/a n/a yurtygertyman@gmail.com Areas of interest Reginald Hicks Reginald Hicks Certified Ganjier 06/14/2024 n/a n/a rdhicks2@gmail.com Areas of interest Dan DiNovis Dan DiNovis Certified Ganjier 06/14/2024 n/a n/a dand@surlybrewing.com Areas of interest Daniel Gonzalez Daniel Gonzalez Certified Ganjier 05/17/2024 Addison, Illinois 2244257783 daniel@illinoiscollective.com Areas of interest Event Coordination, Licensing, & Cultivation Jude Croyle Jude Croyle Certified Ganjier 05/17/2024 Anoka, Minnesota 6125011543 Theganjierdude@gmail.com Areas of interest Retail, operations, quality control Ashwin Matai Ashwin Matai Certified Ganjier 05/17/2024 Amsterdam, The Netherlands +31655198399 Ashwin@hollandsehoogtes.nl Areas of interest Cannabis Genetics, Cultivation and final SKU Assessment; international frame of reference and recognition (Amsterdam Coffeeshops and Cannabis Seed Business). Brooks Harwell Brooks Harwell Certified Ganjier 05/17/2024 AL, CA n/a brooksharwell@gmail.com Areas of interest Concentrates Page 8 of 45« First«...678910...203040...»Last »